Sunday, January 2, 2011

one phone call, that's all. . .

I had been expecting a call - I had been set up. this call came in the form of text that eventually turned out to be me placing the call.

since I frequent the gym, I called from the gym between personal trainer and yoga class. prefaced the call with, "my plans have changed and I'm going to stay for yoga, but wanted to give you a call because I said I would." then start the phone date/interview - not really expected, but I went with it. (I'm thinking he'd call, ask me out, and we'd go through the get-to-know-you questions.) we chatted for a while, and then I kindly said, "I'm going to have to let you go, my yoga class is starting." "oh, well, oh, oh, this wasn't expected." apparently, that wasn't expected and he had a hard time believing that I was cutting him off (didn't I tell him I was going to yoga?). I apologized for my plans changing (at least two more times), but yoga was where I was going and he was welcome to call me again. then I get a line of, "well can I call you again, are you interested, be honest with me?" (thinking, didn't I just say to call me another time?) I told him it would be fine if he called me again, but I needed to get going.

we hang up, I go to yoga, get in touch with my inner-self, and then read two new text messages from the set up, "thanks for the brush off-anyone normal could have at least acted interested. have some decency to be a human-being--its not cool to be so cold."

jaw drop, quiet gasp, shocked laughter.
seriously? do I really deserve that? I saw nothing wrong with my mode of conduct (also verified by two witnesses) but apparently it wasn't normal or human.

well sir, don't be expecting a text back from me, I don't need that.


Stephanie said...

Wow! Forget him!

Annie said...

That didn't happen. That is too funny. HE REALLY TEXTED YOU THAT???? Psycho.

Kristen said...

Annie it is so true. a-maz-ing!